Quarley Parish Council Minutes - 21st April 2015

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 21st April 2015 at Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Miss C Rowe
Mr R Whiting
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Apologies: Cllr Mrs G Tubbs, Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few Brown and Mrs J Venables

WELCOME. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson declared an interest in the Quarley Church
Cllr Mrs C Rowe declared an interest in Home Farm

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes :-

SOLAR FARM - Mr Richard Whiting briefly discussed the proposed solar farm and reported that the Parish Council’s will not receive the promised £10,000 until the solar farm is plugged into the national grid. 

VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT - Mr Richard Writing reported that TVBC have received representation from developers asking why there is no development in the rural areas included in the Borough Plan. As a result TVBC have addressed the issue and there is to be a further consultation period on the Local Borough Plan. 

HIGHWAYS - It was noted that Highways have still not repaired all the pot holes in the parish. Cllr Mr w Marshall reported that Highways have done a temporary repair to the verges in Skew Road, however this will not take long if the volume of HGV’s going to Fox Woods continues at current levels. 

This year has proceeded as usual with the normal events coming onto the Agenda.

The Village Design Plan has reached a point where we are waiting for TVBC to have their Local Plan accepted by the Government.  The Chairman and Mr. R. Whiting went to TVBC for the first day when the Government Inspector sat to hear the objections and comments from the Public.  The main objectors were the Development Companies and also some of the Parish Councils. Mr. R. Whiting returned on the previous day. To date the Parish council have not been informed as to whether the TVBC Plan has been accepted by the Government. 

The lamp post by the Bus Stop has finally been replaced.  Mr. R. Waterman, our Clerk has informed us that we will have a rebate relating to the cost of the electricity that we are charged for our street lights.  The bus stop sign still requires to be placed on the new lamp post. 

However there have been two events that have occurred in 2015 and required action from the Parish Council: 

1.  Solar Farm Application
2.  Nelson HGVs coming through the village to deliver
waste to Fox Farm Estates 

The Parish council was originally informed of this Application in November 2014 and at the Autumn Parish Council Meeting, 18th November 2014 Mr. David Dean of INRG Solar gave a Presentation.

The Council listened to this Presentation and asked questions.  However it was considered that in view of the other Solar Farm in the 5 miles from the development to the west of the Co-operative Distribution Centre and the other two Solar Farms either side of the road to Tidworth, that TVBC would give permission, not withstanding the opinions of Quarley. 

However by the time the Parish Council Meeting was held on the 20th January 2015, the Parish Council had received so many objections and concerns regarding this Application that The Chairman Mrs. J. Ferguson decided to circulate to the Quarley residents the fact that the Parish Council would again consider this Application.  Mr. David Dean, who was aware of this, requested to come again to the Meeting to give a further Presentation. 

After the Presentation the general public remained to view their views. This was that they wished the Parish Council to object to this Application.  This was duly done. 

To date we have had no response from TVBC as to whether this Application is to be allowed. 

This activity has been happening since the Christmas Season of 2013.  The lorries that were travelling through Monxton started to come through Quarley, and occasionally Grateley. 

The small rural roads leading through Quarley and onto Fox were unable to cope with these HGVs and the roads especially the edges have suffered considerably.  Houses on the route have felt vibrations from the weight of these vehicles. 

The spoil has been taken to the woodland on the Fox Farm Estate.  The Estate was given permission for the woodland tracks to be reinstated as Permitted Development.  This decision has been fought by Monxton Parish Council, the residents of Georgia Lane and also by us, Quarley Parish Council, as the spoil has  also been spread on the forest floor and is considered to be excessive. 

Cllr J Ferguson and Cllr W Marshall attended meeting held at the home of Mrs. N. Benjamin, in Georgia Lane.  We were informed of the many meetings they, The residents of Georgia Lane and Monxton had had on this subject.  Initially the lorries had only travelled to the Georgia Lane site through Monxton. 

Nelson Heavy Plant then applied to the Environment Agency for a License to Dump.  A Village Meeting was called to inform the residents of Quarley of the situation. 

A Presentation was given by Mrs N. Benjamin showing the effect of this dumping on the woodlands in Georgia Lane.  The residents were requested to send their comments to the Environment Agency. 

The Chairman of Monxton, Mr. M. Cleugh arranged a meeting with Mr. P. Jackson, Head of Planning in TVBC.  Cllr J Ferguson and Cllr W Marshall were also in attendance. The Meeting was to ensure that Mr. P. Jackson was aware of the strong feelings of the two villages regarding the heavy lorries, with the damage they were causing and also what was happening to the woodlands, parts of which comprised Ancient Woodland and also Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. 

Since this time TVBC has confirmed that they consider this work to be Permitted Development.  The Chairman, Cllr J Ferguson has contacted Mrs N Benjamin to see if there has been any development regarding the Environment Agency or the Forestry Commission.   There has been no contact as yet. 



2013/2014 2014/2015
2250.92 Precept Test Valley Borough Council 2250.00
91.22 VAT Refund
2342.14 2,250.00

417.61 Administration 278.96
500.00 Clerks Wages 500.00
412.00 Village Maintenance 310.00
156.79 Street Lighting 82.89
100.00 Section 137 Payments  (Church) Nil
Road Mirrors  261.00
38.54 VAT on Payments 73.56
498.38 Insurance 486.45
2123.32 2,042.90

552.18 Balance Brought Forward 1/4/2014 771.00
2123.32 Receipts 2,250.00
2894.32 3,021.00
2123.32 Less Payments 2,042.90
771.00 978.10

831.00 Bank Account 80686506 – 31/3/2015 978.10
60.00 Less Cheques not presented 31/3/2014
771.00 978.10
QPCC Annual Grant £100
Quarley Village Hall Hire of Hall for meetings - 2 Years £125
R.N. Waterman ½ Year Expenses £97.10

Report from Mrs J Venables                  

On 8 Apr 15 I attended a meeting of local NHW co-ordinators organised by the police. The meeting started with an overview of the Constabulary’s Operational Change Programme, which went “live” on 1 Apr 15, and it’s effect on local policing. There have been some changes to beat boundaries – they are now coterminous with electoral ward boundaries. Quarley now lies in the Andover South Beat area and our PCSO is PCSO 15559 Cathy Bonter - Andover South (TA03) Broughton & Stockbridge, Over Wallop & Amport (catherine.bonter@hampshire.pnn.police.uk). She can also be contacted by phone by ringing 101 and asking for her by name and/or collar number. PCSOs are the primary focus for community engagement and will attend local meetings if those meetings are (a) notified to Andover Police with sufficient warning, and (b) if the meeting coincides with when the PCSO is on duty. A letter from the District Commander (Chief Inspector Kory Thorne) which gives more detail has already been forwarded to the Chair and Clerk of the Parish Council. 

The meeting then heard an informative talk from Julie Gallagher from Hampshire Trading Standards – she gave an overview of what Trading Standards does (more details can be found at http://www3.hants.gov.uk/tradingstandards.htm) and talked specifically about Cold Calling, scams (in all their many varieties). Local residents can ask to have a “No Cold Calling” zone if at least 66% agree. The signs cost about £25 – more detail can be found on the website. 

The meeting ended with a talk by Bob Coombes – the Chair of Hampshire & Isle of Wight NHW – who talked about work that they are doing to extend their coverage into “hard to reach” communities, eg BME communities, social housing etc, and also their collaboration with Royal Mail (Mail Watch) where local postal workers are briefed about suspicious vehicles/people that have been sighted in the area of their round. This is currently being run as a trial in Winchester area but is due to be rolled out county-wide. 

Finally – another reminder for folk to sign up to Hampshire Alert as the means of getting information from the police and other organisations – www.hampshirealert.co.uk – I have sent an email out to my NHW list to that effect – offering to help anyone who might need some assistance. 

The Clerk reported that he had applied for a grant from Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few-Browns Community Budget. The Clerk was pleased to report that the Parish Council were successful and have received £500 towards the refurbishment of the War Memorial. 

The Chairman reported that she has contacted Mr Jack Cullan for a firm price to refurbish the War Memorial. 

The Chairman suggested that a ‘Bring a Picnic’ event is held on the green to celebrate V.E. Day. The Parish Council thought this a good idea.


  • Quarley Parish Council have an uncontested election.
  • Joanna Ferguson, William Marshall, Richard Whiting and   submitted nomination papers.
  • The Parish Council have one vacancy that can be filled by co-option.
  • Cllr Gloria Tubbs and Cllr Mike Venables did not submit Nomination Papers.
  • Cllr Charlotte Rowe was not eligible to remain on the Parish Council as she no longer lives within the permitted area. The Chairman asked Charlotte if she would still attend Parish Council Meetings as a none voting members as her knowledge of the village was unprecedented. Charlotte was happy to attend if she could.
  • Parish Councillors will convene after the May 7th Elections to sign the paperwork as the next full Parish Council meeting is not until July.
  • The Chairman wished to thank Cllr Mr Mike Venables, Cllr Mrs Gloria Tubbs and Cllr Mrs C Rowe for all the work they have done during their time on the Parish Council.

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

21st July 2015 in the Quarley Village Hall at 7.30pm.

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