Quarley Parish Council Minutes - 19th January 2016

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 19th January 2016 at Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs A Thorne
Mr R Whiting
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Member of the Public - Mrs J Venables
Apologies: County Councillor Mrs Z Brooks, Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few Brown

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.   

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson declared an interest in Quarley Church.

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes:-

PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY – The Chairman reported that she has received an email from Nicholas Constable who has expressed an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor. The Chairman suggested that the Parish Councillors invite Mr Constable to an informal meeting to discuss the position. Cllr Mr Whiting felt that it should be held in the Village Hall, this was noted. 

HIGHWAYS – The Chairman stated that she had not yet managed to get the photograph of her small car on the gravel bank on the Grateley Road, but will make the effort to get this done. 

There has been an increase in the Nelson lorries travelling through Quarley on the way to Fox Farm. This issue was discussed at length and will be monitored. 

SOLAR FARM – Work on the Solar Farm is progressing. 

There were no new planning applications to discuss.

Cllr Mr R Whiting spoke about the revised Borough Local Plan. There have been several objections from various groups. The plan has provision for 640 houses in the rural areas over the next 18 years. Major Development has been designated for the Picket Peace and Picket Twenty areas. Quarley is safe from development and there are no planed changes to the village within the plan. 

Cllr Mr R Whiting therefore felt that the Village Plan/Design Statement was not necessary for Quarley. The Parish Council discussed various options on how the information gathered could be used within the parish, possibly producing a booklet that could be part of a welcome pack for new residents.

Cheques issued in January 2016
Mr B Pearce      Ditch Clearing                    £60.00
HCC                Street Lighting x 2 Years    £314.00

Mrs J Venables reminded the meeting about Hampshire Alert and encouraged all those present to sign up to receive alerts.  Not only because of the timely nature of the information they contain but also because, as NHW co-ordinator, she was assuming that folk were signed up and she was not therefore sending out regular updates by email.

Mrs J Venables reported that Hampshire and Isle of White Police have has a successful Drink and Drive campaign over the festive season. 215 arrests were made. 700 more than the previous year. 

CLLR MR R WHITING – Reported that he has submitted a pre-planning application to TVBC for his property.
Cllr Mr R Whiting stated that he thought the two Church Services over the Christmas period were excellent. The Chairman thanked Cllr Mr R Whiting for his comment and would pass it on to the PCC.

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson reported that she had received several enquiries from the village on whether there would be a village celebration to mark the Queens 90th Birthday.
Mrs J Venables had sent an email about the planned National “Clean for the Queen” event to be held on 1st March 2016.

The Parish Council discussed this and thought that it would be nice to hold a village party on the 12th June 2016 with a “bring a picnic” theme. 

Mrs J Venables asked if there was a closing date for the Parish Council vacancy.
The Parish Council felt the end of February 2016. The Clerk will add this date to the poster in the Notice Board. 

Mrs J Venables asked “As there is no mention of development in Quarley in the revised Borough Plan, what would be the Parish Council’s attitude be to intended possible development at Home Farm: this could be a possibility in the Future”. 

The Parish Council had no intention of addressing this issue. They could not make comment on an unknown quantity. Any proposals for developing Home Farm in the future would be addressed by the Parish Council who are in office at that time.

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

12th April
21st July
18th October
17th January 2017


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