Quarley Parish Council Minutes - 18th October 2016

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th October 2016 at Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs A Thorne
Cllr Mr Nick Constable
Mr R Whiting
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few Brown 
Apologies: County Councillor Mrs Z Brooks, Mrs J Venables

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.   

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson declared an interest in Quarley Church.

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes:-

HIGHWAYS – Highways have still not tackled the build up of gravel on the last bend towards Grateley. The road to Grateley is full of pot holes and is breaking up in places due to tree roots. These issues will be reported on line to Hampshire Highways. 

The increase in Nelson Lorries driving through the village was discussed at length.

  • Cllr R Whiting stated that there are four blind spots through the village, with the large number of these lorries coming through he felt that it’s an accident waiting to happen.
  • It has been noted that Nelson’s have been sending a road sweeper through the village.
  • Cllr R Whiting has done some investigating and reported that Hampshire Highways are responsible for the road repairs if there is extraordinary or continuous traffic using the route.
  • It was reported that there are some bad potholes between Quarley Wood House and Quarley Manor Farm on the Grateley Road.
  • The Chairman stated that all repairs must first be reported on the Hampshire County Council Web Site.
  • It was felt that an approach to Nelson’s was needed, although it has also been noted that Nelson Drivers are being more courteous to other road users.
  • It was suggested that Mr Langdown be contacted and asked if he could please cut back his hedge adjacent to the woodland at the Amport end of Skew Lane. Due to the overgrown hedge vehicles are now using the verge and it is becoming rutted and muddy.

The Parish Council discussed extending the 30mph speed limit back to the Cholderton Road. The Clerk was asked to write to Hampshire Highways to request the extension of the speed limit. 

SOLAR FARM – The Clerk reported that he had no news to report on the promised £10,000. The Clerk stated that he has spoken to Susanne Hoare, the Amport Clerk, Amport Parish Council have not been paid the promised money and have complained to TVBC, who have been unable to help. It has been reported that the original solar company have gone bust, but this has not been confirmed.  

Financial Position 1st April 2016 to 17th October 2016

Opening Balance £1,207.97
Precept £2,600.00
Donation £1,100.00
Administration £   314.75
Maintenance £   437.00
Wages £    350.00

Balance in the Bank £3,806.22 

16/02303/FULLN – To remove the existing bell frame and replace with a new reinforced frame on a new concrete base; to refurbish and return the existing railings and re-hang bells within the new frame (Retrospective – amendments to bell frame) –
St Michaels Church, Quarley. – SUPPORT.

NOTIFICATION – In the case of Conservation Area notification, the Local Planning Authority does not have the ability to refuse these works.
16/02489/TREEN -  remove Hornbeam and Silver Birch Pollard Wild Plum – Church View, 6 Etwall.

Cllr Mr B Few-Brown had nothing to report.

Mrs J Venables had nothing to report other than she is standing down as the Quarley Representative on the 1st January 2017. Mrs J Venables has sent an email around to her alert list to let them know and asking for a volunteer to take over.

CLLR MRS A THORNE – Suggested that the Parish Council should look into having a Quarley Face Book Page. The page could be used to keep the village informed of events etc. This was discussed.

Cllr Mr N Constable will look into setting up Face Book page and report back to the Councillors. The Clerk was asked to put this on the Agenda for the next meeting. 

Cllr Mrs A Throne suggested that resurrecting the Village Fete might be a good idea, it was a good community event that raised money for the Church and the Village Hall. The Parish Council thought this a good idea and the matter would be discussed further. 

CLLR MR N CONSTABLE – Spoke about the poor broadband in the village. BT are not very forthcoming with information on when the service will be improved. 

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

17th January 2017


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