Quarley Parish Council Minutes - 16th January 2018

Minutes of the Quarley Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16th January 2018 at Quarley Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Present : Cllr Mrs J Ferguson - Chairman
Cllr Mr W Marshall - Vice Chairman
Cllr Mrs A Thorne
Cllr Mr N Constable
Mr R Whiting
Richard Waterman - Parish Clerk
Apologies: County Councillor Mrs Z Brooks
Borough Councillor Mr Ben Few Brown 

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson declared an interest in Quarley Church.

The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. Matters arising from those minutes: -

HIGHWAYS –The Chairman stated that she has again reported the various potholes in the parish on the HCC Portal. Some of the residents have cut their overgrown hedges. The Chairman has taken photographs of a gully that is proud of the road and has send them to County Councillor Mrs Z Brooks.

The recent heavy rain has collected under the A303 bridge and the road is flooded. It has been some time since this happened and will be reported to Highways.

SOLAR FARM – The Clerk had no news to report, there has been no further contact from the Solar Farm Company. 

ETWALL SIGN – Cllr Mrs A Thorne reported that the Etwall Sign has still not been replaced. The Clerk will contact TVBC again.

TELEPHONE BOX –The broken glass in the telephone box has been reported to BT. BT gave notice several months ago that the telephone box is to be removed, this has not happened. BT were not able to give an up-date on its removal.

Cheques issued in January 2018.
HCC                             Street Lighting                  £79.51
MacAfee                       Computer Protection          £79.99
Petal Boutique              Flowers                             £30.00 

2018/2019 PRECEPT.
The Clerk produced the following report for discussion:


                                                                                 2017/2018                              2018/2019

   INCOME                                                                     £                                             £

   Balance Brought Forward 1/4/2017                       424.32                                     240.00

   Plus precept                                                           2,600.00                                    2,700.00




   Wages                                                                       600.00                                       600.00

   Administration                                                         297.09                                       300.00

   Audit                                                                         110.00                                        120.00

   Street Lighting                                                         235.00                                        240.00

   Hire of Hall                                                                70.00                                           70.00

   Web Site                                                                    43.92                                           45.00

   Grass Cutting and Ditch Clearing                         320.00                                        350.00

   Village Maintenance                                                                                                   100.00

   Insurance                                                                  507.96                                         510.00

   PCC                                                                           100.00                                         100.00

Reserves                                                                      500.00                                        500.00


                                                    Budget Surplus       240.35                                            5.00



  Reserves £2,000.00                                                                                 Reserves £3,000.00

The Parish Council discussed the budget and all agreed that the 2018/2019 Precept will be set at £2,700. Proposed by Cllr A Thorne and seconded by Cllr R Whiting. 

There has been a spate of scams doing the rounds and an increase in thefts from outbuildings in the area.

17/03246/FULLN& 17/03251/LBWN – Erection of Garden Room/Conservatory – Apple Tree Cottage, Park Lane, Quarley. SUPPORT. 

Cllr R Whiting reported that the following letter had been sent to residents of Quarley who are in Amport Parish:

Test Valley Community Governance Review- Proposed Parish Boundary Changes

As part of the TVBC Community Governance Review, Borough and Parish boundary anomalies are being considered and Quarley is duty bound to ask residents if adjustments should be made to local Parish boundary anomalies. TVBC Consider that the main factors justifying Parish boundary amendments should:
o Reflect the identities and interest of the community in that area
o Is effective and convenient

The two boundary issues Quarley has, relate to dwellings situated on the western boundary of the Parish with Grateley and the finger of land to the north of Cholderton Lane, which contains properties very close to the centre of our village: this area is in Amport Parish. 

Quarley Parish Council is proposing to ask that the area in which the houses to the west of the Parish lie, be transferred to Grateley Parish. A move that we know has the support of the residents involved.

What the Parish Council wishes to know are the views of the residents of the houses which lie to the north of Cholderton Road, i.e. the area shown edged red on the attached plan. 

We would be grateful if you could place a tick against whichever of the following three options you support:

  • Transfer to Quarley Parish
  • Leave current boundaries untouched
  • Content with either option.

Cllr R Whiting reported that to date 12 replies have been received, 8 would like to transfer to Quarley, 3 have expressed apprehension and 1 leave current boundary as it is. It is hoped that additional replies will be received over the coming weeks.

Cllr R Whiting discussed the way forward as most of replies were to transfer to Quarley. A submission will be sent to TVBC asking for the Quarley Parish Boundary to be extended to include the Quarley properties currently in Amport Parish. 

CLLR MRS A THORNE – Reported that there as been an increase in parking on the grass on the corner to the entrance to Etwall, if this continues it will start damaging the grass. It was suggested that a ‘NO PARKING ON THE GRASS’ notice is put up.

CLLR MR W MARSHALL – Reported that he has received complaints form residents regarding horses being ridden across the Village Green. The Chairman suggested that this is raised with the Village Hall. 

Cllr Mr W Marshall reported that the hedge on the Grateley Road from the Dolls House towards Grateley needed a further cut. 

CLLR MRS J FERGUSON – Reported that it is the Great British Spring Clean on the 2nd – 4th March 2018.The Parish Council discussed this and would hold a working party to clear from Lains Farm to the A303 junction as this is especially bad. 

Cllr Mrs J Ferguson reported that the Church is struggling to raise funds towards its upkeep and asked if the Parish Council would consider increasing its annual grant. Cllr Mrs J Furguson declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. 

The Parish Council discussed this request, and all agreed to increase the annual grant to the PCC to £250 from April 2018. Proposed by Cllr W Marshall and seconded by Cllr R Whiting. 

The Chairman gave her apologies for the April Meeting.

The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.

26th June 2018


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